Statin Side Effects
Why healthy people should avoid statins If you are a healthy person who was told to take cholesterol lowering medication based solely on your lab results, I’m writing this for you. As an Internal Medicine doctor practicing Integrative and Functional Medicine, I often...
About My Practice+Blog
I’m Dr. Sharon Goldberg, a board-certified Internal Medicine doctor practicing Integrative and Functional Medicine in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Thank you for checking out my blog. These articles reflect the pragmatic and proactive way I approach patient care. This...
Preventing Falls in Older Adults
As we age, the chance of an unexpected fall increases. Unfortunately, falls happen in the blink of an eye and can lead to major injuries such as hip and skull fractures. The good news is that there is a solid “fall prevention” skill set that anyone can learn. You can...
Lifestyle Medicine to Reduce High Blood Pressure
Lifestyle factors in high blood pressure In my previous life as an acute care Internal Medicine physician, I saw many cases of uncontrolled hypertension or “high blood pressure” admitted to the hospital. After taking a careful history, many of these episodes had clear...