Why Should You Pay Attention to Memory Problems? Do you or a family member struggle with memory problems? You’re not alone. Memory loss is becoming increasingly common, affecting millions of individuals across the United States. Currently, an estimated 6.7 million...
Supplement and medication use is common. Most of the time, the pills we swallow make it to the stomach uneventfully. Sometimes, however, there can be a problem. Pill-induced esophagitis is a surprisingly common problem that occurs when caustic medications or...
Irritable Bowel Syndrome or “IBS” is an increasingly common condition. The integrative and functional medicine approach, which seeks to identify and address the root causes of diseases, is very well suited to dealing with IBS and IBS-like symptoms. This post covers my...
I’m Dr. Sharon Goldberg, a board-certified Internal Medicine doctor practicing Integrative and Functional Medicine in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Thank you for checking out my blog. These articles reflect the pragmatic and proactive way I approach patient care. This...
Lifestyle factors in high blood pressure In my previous life as an acute care Internal Medicine physician, I saw many cases of uncontrolled hypertension or “high blood pressure” admitted to the hospital. After taking a careful history, many of these episodes had clear...